Forever grateful
This time last year in 2018, I was on CAPD dialysis. It was very tough on my whole family. My wife was the sole support for us and my daughter was watching her daddy permanently unwell.
Pocket of coins
My mother fostered a boy who had been neglected, abused and let down by social services. Their verdict was that he was ‘headed for Borstal’.
Sat on a train in my early twenties, I chatted to a Hindu gentleman. We chatted about life and religion and he asked me what I thought the most important thing in life was.
Roadside rescue
I have a one-year old so I’m sleep deprived a lot of the time. I was driving to meet my mum and suddenly realised I was going the wrong way.
Student doctor
When I was seriously ill and in hospital, I couldn’t find out my test results for days on end because the doctor was far too busy.
Two dogs lost
I was cooking and opened the window, which made the front door open and my 2 dogs got out…
Fill up
I was driving to my aunt’s in Sussex. I ran out of petrol…
My husband was in hospital and when they brought the lunches around, I asked the woman serving them if I could buy something and she said no.
Wolverhampton Wonders
I was living with my boyfriend in a village near Kidderminster. Each day he’d drive me 15 minutes to a bus station in Stourbridge, where I would wait for the bus to Wolverhampton, and he’d be there again for my return journey in the evening.
Helping hand
I was returning to my car after a busy day when I noticed a flat tyre. Feeling really fed up I got the spare out and jacked up my car replacing the flat with the spare only to find it too was flat. Really stumped…
Mr Gooddude
I work hard, but as an artist, I don’t have much money. In fact, I was far short of cash to get 15-20 copies of my art book professionally bound. I only had money to pay for five copies, which I printed at the art university’s subsidized copy machine, which I then had to glue and bind myself. Feeling a bit defeated,
Halifax lady and scrapbook lady
A few years ago I was a full time taxi driver, which incidentally is a really good job to witness and deliver small acts of kindness. I’d always help get the shopping to the door, occasionally let deserving causes have a free ride and feel pretty good about myself for doing it. Stupid early one Sunday morning